The Bubble Pods



This is my first book and there is more to come.

This is a story about the homeless in a world where the population has grown to an troubling size and those in poor situations have nowhere to live.

‘Krista heard the siren go off and immediately jumped out of bed, yelled at her sister to make sure she was awake and moving, as she quickly got dressed and grabbed her packed backpack from under her bed. The authorities were coming to move them out of their home and there was no time to waste.

Like a bomb had already struck, people in the community where she lived, were moving hurriedly out of the community and their homes, towards the nearby bush area to pre-empt the authorities.’

It commences with Krista Stephens who is a young single girl studying at a technical institute. She lives with her parents in a community founded by them,  She helps with those less fortunate who wander into the community,  including a young girl named Anna.

The community is situated in the country, in an old unused railway yard, in an area far away from nearest city.

Krista is studying art but also social development. Krista meets Ben at the technical institute and a relationship develops as he is also studying social development but already has a degree in journalism.

Ben is attracted to Krista and begins to accept her eccentric lifestyle. He feels it is part of her nature as he is invited to inspect the community for himself situated on a railway yard.

All seems fairly normal until the whole community disappears and Krista is left alone without a clue as to what has happened to her family and her neighbours as well. She is devastated and only gets through the fallout because Ben supports her.

They continue life together at Ben’s student flat, while verifying that her parents have truly disappeared. Ben has some ideas about the homeless being sent to something called bubble pods and they continue to pursue that idea through research. Ben works part time at the local newspaper and has heard about bubble houses connected to the homeless somehow from reports overseas.

They find a company named Podtech that makes pod houses and meet with a Mr Josephs locally with the idea of buying one to live in for themselves.

Meawhile in another country there is the head office of the company named Podtech and working for them are two employees named Beth and George among others. The public relations manager at Podtech is a person named Julia Todd. She is a workaholic and has many secret dealings within the company.

As Ben and Krista continue to pursue they get into trouble and will need help.

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What is the cause of memory loss?


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Do you get frustrated because you brain’s file is not working as quickly as it used to? I am in my 60’s now and a lot of my friends are already in a rest home full of Alzheimer patients. This scared the hell out of me because I was starting to have short term memory loss myself and this is the first symptom of the disease – So I did some research and found a few reasons why this was happening and happened to watch a video put out by the group who run “The Truth about Cancer” There website is:

I also added my own info, gathered from my life experiences and here is my list of what causes short term memory loss.

List of Causes
*Fluoride in tap water shown to lower I.Q.s

*Artificial sweeteners that trigger the death of brain cells

*High fructose corn syrup and foods high in sugar shown to cause brain shrinkage

*G.M.O.s in non-organic vegetables and many processed foods causing “brain rancidity” (where vital omega-3 fats in your brain are literally caused to go rancid and become toxic)

*Toxic pesticides and herbicides used as “common practice” on fruits, veggies, and grains

*Alcohol consumption which damages brain neurons (even in moderation)

*Electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones and heavy overhead power poles which can disrupt the DNA of your delicate brain cells and cause brain dysfunction

*Aluminum in antiperspirants, deodorants and some cooking pans and pots that can cause toxic build up of heavy metals in the brain and also in some vaccinations (check that out yourself)

The first option to fight this is a detox to get rid of toxins from the above, which are clogging up your arteries and therefore your brain.

There are several healthy detox options and the cheapest one is – Accelerated charcoal. I went to my local pharmacy and a bottle of 45 capsules cost $9.90 but it varies for different manufacturers. You need to take 3 capsules every day for a month between meals e.g: One after breakfast – one after lunch – one after dinner, but wait at least half an hour after each meal before taking. Start a healthy natural lifestyle at the same time for this to be totally effective. Check my other blog regarding this: “How to fight against memory loss.” – See more 

I do know that I immediately lost weight when I started to do this myself so that is a bonus. A small warning if you are on prescribed heart medications check with your doctor first and only  take the AC. pills for 2weeks- to a month as anymore is going overboard but you can do it again in about a year if you need to.

The doctor I go to online  also has some great supplements especially anti-aging supplements which he himself takes. He is in his 50’s and has better health than a lot of people much younger than him. In other words he tries everything himself first. Go here for more information

Also please check out my own webpage which has more blogs on it go here

Looks hard but the most important one is to be happy so don’t stress about it all, got a blog on that tho.

No drugs for me.

I made up my mind a long time ago to try not to take drugs if I could help it. I am not just talking about addictive drugs and party pills, I am talking about prescription medicines as well. Except for having some pain pills when I broke my collar bone at 10 years old and when I had my tonsils and adenoids out the year later where they gave me an anesthetic.  I have not taken any prescription medicines until I had to. I got glandular fever and all I had to do for that was rest for 3 months supposedly. I could not stand doing it for that long and I had already booked to go on holiday with my sister and was not going to miss that so took panadol then as well.
Further on and several kids later I had a breakdown because of several things that happened relatively at the same time and had to separate from my husband and was talked into having Prozac. I tried it for 3 days and did not like the feeling it gave me so stopped it. Then I got a bad case of influenza and had to take antibiotics which I was not happy about. I also admit to having the anti pain needles from my dentist so I guess I was not that strongly opinionated about it.
Nevertheless I am now older and grateful that I do not need to take any drugs on a regular basis. I have friends who have been on medication for various illnesses a long time and now they are older it is hard for them to function normally. It is a cycle that escalates because you have to take more drugs to counteract the drugs you take regularly because of side effects. Now I am not totally as you see, against the taking of regular drugs especially if for instance you have diabetes and need to take insulin. However I have seen several websites online that deal with these problems naturally and they work for most people. It does mean that you have to watch what you eat though.
Looking forward to living, not just existing, for a lifetime

I now go to a doctor online who I recommend as he has natural medications for most current illnesses and diseases. Not only that he tests every pill himself.  Go here 

Also please take a look at my website